About the PNA’s Hot Meal Program
The Hot Meal Program (HMP) is a hub for social services in Northwest Seattle centered around free meals for the community. A PNA program since 1998, the Hot Meal Program evolved out of St. John United Lutheran Church’s soup kitchen, which began in 1980. Now over 40 years later, the HMP still offers hot, nutritious meals at St. John United, as well as at the Greenwood Senior Center.
With the support of grants, donations, and a dedicated group of volunteers, the PNA Hot Meal Program serves over 17,000 meals annually to Seattle residents, many of whom are experiencing food insecurity, homelessness, and social isolation. The meals provide a warm and welcoming environment and serve as an entry point to a variety of other social services.
Free Community Meals
Other Services
Art Club
The newest addition, Art Club, meets twice a week before meals for creative projects, snacks, and socializing. Popular activities include “Heart Soul” collages, shrinky-dink charms, coffee filter macchias, and lithograph lanterns.
Art Club serves as a social glue, strengthening the HMP community. As diner John shares, “People are talking to each other… it’s simple but important.” Art Club regular W adds, “It’s brought unity and helped people discover and appreciate each other.”